My full gear list // Nikon z6ii review by a wedding photographer

I’ve been shooting with the Nikon z6ii during elopements and weddings for almost two years now. or since they hit the market. Coming from a Nikon d600, Nikon d750, Nikon d800, and Nikon d850 I’ve shot them all, and BY FAR the z6ii is my absolute favorite. I’m using my current F-mount lenses with the adaptor and they have never worked better. I do now have several Z lenses, including the 70-200 and the 35 1.8 neither is my favorite. updated July 14, 2023

update: I purchased the 35 1.8 z lens only because my 35 1.4 F mount got dropped in the river. I DO NOT like it. It’s sharp but has no character, nothing unique or fun about it, doesn’t make me feel creative, don’t like the sun flairs. Only using it for flat lays. It is a great budget friendly beginner lens, and usually what I recommend to new photographers.

I also recently bought the z 70-200 f 2.8 zoom. I do love it for larger weddings! I don’t use it for elopements or engagement sessions but capturing reactions during speeches or that first kiss from a few different lengths is invaluable when you need it on a wedding day.

You can see all my gear Here

LENSES: I love primes, every day, all day but I do rarely use my 14-24 lens, especially for dance party shots, otherwise, I shoot Nikon 28 1.4, 35 1.4, 58 1.4, and 85 1.4. I’ve gotten several questions about why I’m not using any native z series lenses. I love funky unique lenses like the 28 and 58 1.4 I just haven’t been tempted by any z series lenses yet. Also, the focus is SO GOOD with the adaptor I don’t feel like I’m missing anything by not using native lenses. I do hope that the Z series lenses will start improving with bigger apertures and more unique characteristics. Note: I honestly own every nikon lens from 14-200 ( excluding the 135) and I do always want a tilt shift, but the ones mentioned above are ones I actually use the most.

FOCUS: The number of shots with missed focus has gone down significantly since going mirrorless even with the adaptor! I have NEVER shot live view in a really useful way until this camera, it nails focus in both modes.

CREATIVITY: This camera inspires me and gives me so much more control over my images. From the seamless way, I can see lens flair in live view to multiple exposures in the camera. It’s easy!

BATTERY LIFE: I did get the extra battery and grip as I heard the battery life wasn’t great. I have had zero problems with battery life but it’s 2020 so I haven’t shot with it through a full 10-hour wedding day.

SETTINGS: I love the custom menu bank ( my 850 had this too) In the custom menu I have flash settings, multiple exposures, and time zone ( to quickly sync with second shooters). fn 1 - I have set it to my WB , fn 2 - I have set it to flash so I can quickly change settings there.

FOCUS: I’m using large area eye focus. ( if you press the I menu bank, and scroll to focus settings it’s the image with the square and smiley face) Once in a while during the ceremony, this setting focuses on the officiant instead of the bride and groom so I will quickly change to a single point or just move the large box over the bride or groom and the problem is solved.

BACKPACKS: The backpack I’m currently the most excited about is the ATLAS pack. I use the F-stop Tilopa for weddings as it’s large and well padded but I wanted something smaller for local elopements and small shoots to hold the champagne, my drone, and maybe one extra lens ( the actual cameras are already on me on my holster). You can find my full backpack review HERE. I hook my cameras to the waist straps so this is important! Can hold water and Champagne. Opens from the back and has hooks to hang a speaker from and hook a think tank lens pouch too ( they made a strap specifically for extra lens pouches!).

Wondering what speaker, SD card holder I love, hiking boots, or external hard drives? Full list here

Any questions?! please ask below!


Big Sur Engagement Photographer//Carly and Nick


Big Sur Elopement // Bre and Adam's California Wedding