Nikon Z6iii Review

Nikon z6iii review for wedding photographers

As a long-time Nikon Wedding Photographer, I’ve shot almost all of the Nikon lineup. I recently upgraded from my two Nikon z6ii and had been crossing my fingers that Nikon would release the new z6iii before my shutters expired. I had read that the focus in low light and daytime had drastically improved with the new model. In all honesty, I don't focus much with the z6ii so I probably can’t speak on this much. This is an update on my last review of the Nikon z6ii Available HERE . Nikon has started to release incredible z lenses; their S line has been constantly impressing me and I’m looking forward to updating alot of my F mount lenses.

Major settings I change when I first get my cameras :

  1. Raw

  2. Backup folder use

  3. Name of files so I can keep track of which camera the image is from ( if there becomes an issue)

  4. AF - standard

  5. AF-ON- focus/shutter release focus off.

  6. Wrap around focus points

  7. Change the red record button to focus modes with back dial control

Links to all my gear HERE

Let’s get to it:

Ultimately the z6ii and z6iii are very similar. I’m not going to go over all the specs because thats easily available elsewhere. I upgraded because my z6ii was getting high in shutter counts and I was hoping for better focusing in low light, having shot two full 10 hour wedding days with the new z6iii and about 10 elopements I can confirm its much better in low light and full eye autofocus is much better ( but I dont use it all that much). I actually prefer to mostly use single point focus through a ceremony, so I can can control foreground and background focus and be more creative. I find a lot of the eye auto focus is so accurate that I loose all my creative control. BUT there is times like through a confetti throw or during a sparkler exit that i’m REALLY happy eye autofocus exists and I change my focus mode.

LENSES: This is updated from my last review as my favorites have changed. I currently am loving my Nikon 28 mm 1.4, and Nikkor z 50 1.2 s lens ( which is incredible). I’m also adding the Nikkor z 24-70 mm zoom f 2.8 s series this year as I’m trying to decrease the amount of lenses I’m traveling with. Similar to my last review I hate the Nikkor z 35 mm 1.8 and own the 70-200 z S zoom that is ok, for a zoom, just not a focal length I love or use regularly. I am almost never using my 58 1.4 or 85 1.4 anymore.

FOCUS: A step above the z6ii, especially in low-light situations. They added new focus modes this year that I’m still playing with.

CREATIVITY: Always love my custom menu bank making it easy to make multiple exposures etc and PLAY which has been my focus this year. Letting go of the fear of making bad work.

BATTERY LIFE: Easily lasts me a full 8-hour day on one battery ( but always packing extras).

SETTINGS: I love the custom menu bank ( my 850 had this too) In the custom menu I have flash settings, focus peaking ( for when I use manual focus lenses), multiple exposures, and time zone (to quickly sync with second shooters). fn 1 - I have set it to my WB , fn 2 - I have set it to flash so I can quickly change settings there. Same settings as my z6ii

FOCUS: I’m using large area eye focus. ( if you press the I menu bank, and scroll to focus settings it’s the image with the square and smiley face) Once in a while during the ceremony, this setting focuses on the officiant instead of the bride and groom so I will quickly change to a single point or just move the large box over the bride or groom, and the problem is solved. With the new camera update, i’m mostly still using this focus point but will switch to full area eye auto focus outside of ceremony for far away shots, during exits or tricky situations. Still need to try this in the forest with foreground tree’s.

BACKPACKS: This has also changed since my last review, I’m almost exclusively using my peak design bag now, I like how compact it is and easy to travel with. I can fit a fair amount, especially for overseas shoots where I worry about packing several rolling bags.


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