The Best Wedding Photo’s of 2022 by Junebug Weddings

I’m so honored to have been selected for the second year in a row as one of Junebug Wedding’s Best of the Best Wedding Photos 2022. It is always such an honor to be recognized and included among such talented peers. Thank you so much to the Junebug Team for putting on another incredible year of recognition.

A little bit about the image chosen:

This location was not in Emily and Micheal's original plan. We had planned on visiting another popular beach on the Oregon Coast but I had visited this beach spot the day before and fell into a deep romance with the tall beach grass. I asked Emily and Micheal if they were open to changing up their timeline and last portrait location before going back to the Airbnb to celebrate. They gave me their full trust and went with my suggestion and I made some of my favorite work of the year here. The weather leading up to their wedding day was stormy, full of hail, and intense rain so I had my car packed with umbrellas and camera covers. But as luck would have it, we got the best of both worlds, stormy clouds AND light at sunset. This image was taken with my Mavic Pro 2, Emily and Micheal were not given much direction, they were just COLD!! I loved how they were embracing. each other. I’m not always inspired to fly my drone but it can really add another perspective of a location that you just can’t capture from ground level.

You can see Emily and Micheal’s full wedding day HERE

You can see last years winning image HERE


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